Automated Solar Panel Cleaner Using Sprinkler& Sponge Cleaning Mechanism

Prof. Chi Lee
Page No. : 36-44


Solar panel is installed on the terraces and roof top or at elevated places to maximize the energy absorption. The solar panels now come with solar trackers to ensure maximum utilization and increased efficiency. Another aspect which was once neglected is the effect of dust accumulation. Dust includes environmental parameters like dust particles in air, dry leaves, bird droppings etc. This proposed system is designed to clean the solar panels using sprinkle and sponge mechanism which includes water as a cleaning liquid. The system is automated thereby removing the need of human intervention and the parameters can be live monitored using app on mobile. As it is available on mobile phones hence it can be monitored from any place in the world. The efficiency of system is monitored with dust accumulation on solar panel and after cleaning the solar panels.