The soils of the Obigbo flow station were analyzed for
the impact of gas flare (heat radiation) on its physico-chemical properties.
Sampling points labeled A, B, C, and D were 50m, 100m, 150m and 200m away from
the flare barrier and at a depth of 0-15cm, 15-30cm, 30-45cm, 45-60cm. Samples
were collected using a pyranometer and transported to the laboratory where it
was prepared for laboratory analysis. During the routine soil analysis, pH,
organic carbon, total exchangeable acidity and exchangeable (Na+, K+, Ca+, and
Mg2+) were done using appropriate techniques. Findings from the study shows
that distance from the flare point and depth of soil sampling were sources of
variation in soil chemical and nutrient status. Soils from sample locations
were generally acidic. Least pH values were obtained at point A. Higher values
were obtained at farther distances (B, C. and D). Soils in the sampling area
are well drained. Higher percentage organic matter was observed at point D
(2.5, 2.3, 1.6, 1.0 at 0-15cm, 15-30cm, 30-45cm and 45-60cm respectively), with
a steady decline per increase in sampling depth. Total exchangeable acidity,
potassium and sodium were highest at top soil region of 0-15cm but declined as
sampling depth increased. Magnesium, ECEC and calcium values followed the order
sampling point B>C>D>A.