A Review Study of Transmission and Distribution Losses with Special Reference to Power Sector

Dinesh Kumar Tiwari, Prof (Dr) RK Jain
Page No. : 184-195


These article review on transmission and distribution losses are as the losses occurred due to energy dissipated in the conductors, transformers and equipment used for transmission lines. The generation of electricity has to be done far from the utility point, therefore needs transmission through towers to consumers end. The transmission is done at high voltage system through transmission lines and power equipment. These are the magnetic losses occurred in conductors and transformers due to heating effect. The T&D losses are technically inherent in the power system and can be reduced to a certain level.
The distribution losses are occurred due to technical as well as power theft and malfunctioning of meters and under billing at consumers end. The theft of power also imposes inefficiency in revenue recovery causes increase of distribution losses.