Secured Decentralized Databases for Security and Privacy in Blockchain
Dr Amit Singla, Nivedita Mahendra, Sarita Juneja
Page No. : 206-219
Web-based technologies have made it possible to link people and resources all over the world. A greater level of security and integrity are required since these integrations are carried out in an advanced network environment. To access business, social, and government services, the majority of individuals are increasingly using smart devices. The smart devices have high-performance operating systems including Android, iOS, Windows, Blackberry, Tizen, Lune OS, Kai OS, and many more. "Blockchain" is gaining a lot of attention as a result of the proliferation of these platforms, which necessitate the need for security and integrity. Anyone who tries to alter, hack, or cheat the information stored in Blockchain Technology will be denied access. Every computer on the blockchain network receives a copy of the digital record of transactions, which is then integrated into the blockchain itself. There are a transaction size in each block of the chain. On the blockchain, each new transaction is recorded and added to the balance sheets of all those involved. For a database that doesn’t reside on a single server or node, the term DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) has been coined. An unchangeable cryptography sign known as either a hash is used to record transactions in this form of distributed ledger technology. Because of this, it would be difficult for hackers to update a single block in a channel or chain, thus they would had to do it for every unified view of the chain that is currently available. Like Bitcoin and Ethereum, new blocks are constantly being added to the chain, making the ledger even more secure. The presented work in the manuscript is focusing on the Interplenatary File System (IPFS) that is the key technology and file system in the Blockchain environment. With the use of IPFS, there is higher degree of privacy and integrity that is required in assorted applications including social, corporate and government segments.