The Making of The Raj Quartet

Page No. : 60-68


Paul Scott was a popular UK novelist, playwright and author, who published The Raj Quartet, the popular tetra logy. The tetra logy books detail the end years of the British conquest of India from a number of perspectives and deal with the political problems of British army officers in the East. The Raj Quartet is a lengthy, quiet and comprehensive series of novels. The seminal opus of Paul Scott is unavoidably ambiguous and highly misleading. The key operation lasts five years and is situated in a region which became five nations. There are over 300 called characters, including 24 primary characters. The Raj Quartet contains four books, four masterpieces on India downfall. It is without doubt one of the best English literature works of the last century. It is an engrossing novel, where history is accepted by passion, lives, dreams, past and present, and even creates, amid the powers that want to avoid it. It is stunning and sweet, brilliantly crafted and is compulsively addictive to read, considering its duration.