Solving Transportation Problems using Various Methods
Rathi Saurabh Sanjay, Dr Shoyeb Ali Sayyed
Page No. : 133-144
The transportation problem is a type of linear programming problem that includes transporting a single product (raw or completed) from several sources of supply to various points of demand while keeping the overall cost of transportation as low as feasible. There are effective algorithms for solving transportation issues where all of the decision parameters, such as the quantity of supply at each source, the amount of demand at each destination, and the unit cost of transportation, are supplied in a straightforward form. However, in actual life, there are numerous scenarios that cannot be articulated precisely because one or more of the choice parameters are unclear. This is due to the fact that measurements are not always exact, there are insufficient facts, computers make mistakes, the cost of information is excessive, weather conditions, and so on. As a result, we cannot employ traditional, traditional approaches to solve transportation difficulties. As a result, fuzzy transportation challenges offer a superior approach to represent and solve real-world difficulties. A fuzzy transportation problem is one in which the transportation costs, supply, and demand are not clearly defined.