Myths and Magical Realism in the Selected Novels of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Chavan Bhakti Vijayrao, Dr Rafique Khan
Page No. : 145-152


"Virtual reality," "surrealism," and "hyper reality" are trendy works in our world of fast-paced innovation, where the touch of a button can change the way people think, plan, and carry out their work and how they live their lives. They are used everywhere, so much so that they might not seem funny anymore. Still, the interest in superstitions and magic makes The Mistress of Spices, a novel by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, a great read that captivates the senses and makes you hungry with its interesting use of spices. Spices aren’t just utilized to food to make it taste better; they also play an important role in the development of the novel.  They give the book a magical feel and are one way that magic realism is used as a part of the story. The most interesting thing about Divakaruni is her style, which mixes reality and creativity, the past and the present, fantasy and beliefs in a way that seems natural. We talked about Magic Realism, Mistress of Species, the Mirror of Fire and Dreaming, Conch of Bearer, and Elements of Magic and Power in this paper.