Geophysical Studies of Ground Water Quality of Kaithal District of Haryana region in India
Pinki Rani, Dr. Rakesh Kumar
Page No. : 106-118
Water is the elixir of life and a precious gift of nature to mankind and millions of other species living in the earth. It is a primary natural resource required for different purposes like agriculture, urbanization and other domestic needs. Today water is the most exploited natural resource. Water quality is related to water pollution. Ground water is a valuable natural resource; it occurs almost in all geological formations beneath the earth surface. Ground water has become the major source of water supply for domestic, industrial and agricultural sectors of many countries. Due to growing industry in cities and increasing urbanization, water demand is growing and will need to depend largely on the ground water. This continued exploitation of ground water results in declining water table and deterioration in water quality. Therefore, monitoring the quality of water is one of the essential issues of drinking and irrigation purpose. Considering the above aspects the present study was undertaken to investigate the ground water quality of selected areas in Kaithal District.