Implementation on Market Orientation in Hi-Tech Firms

Dr. Des Raj Bajwa
Page No. : 132-140


The only thing the company does to ensure happy customers are provided with excellent customer service. They are useful for increasing the price at which products are sold. Bovée & Thill (1992) claim that a company’s quality and customer service can act as a formidable barrier to entry, guarantee customer retention, create product differentiation, cut marketing expenses, and boost profits. The purpose of this paper is to present, from a theoretical perspective and supported by selected results from a survey of Hi-Tech firms in the Czech Republic, the importance of customer services as part of market orientation. One customer in particular was the focus of this study. The paper’s first section provides a high-level overview of the most salient features of customer services from the perspective of the customers themselves. The second section solicits feedback from HiTech businesses. According to the findings, business leaders understand the significance of providing excellent customer service and making sure their customers are happy. These days, providing excellent customer service is essential for staying competitive in the business world. This paper is part of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic-funded research project "Research on implementation on market orientation in High-Tech Firms.