An Analysis on the Phenomenon of Educated Unemployment In Kerala

Dr. John Adaikalam J
Page No. : 40-46


Employment generation has been one of the important objectives of development planning both in the developed and developing economies. The number of employment and its volume as well as the capability to create employment opportunities are directly proportional to the volume of production and distribution. So a vibrant and dynamic production sector is the surest economic platform for the generation of employment whether it is educated or un- educated and skilled or un-skilled. Educated unemployment is one of the variants of open unemployment. It is a serious economic problem for all economies than that of the unemployment of less educated people. It is argued that the most confronting problem faced by the State economy in Kerala is educated unemployment. This is one of the highest among the states in India. In this context, it is highly relevant to analyses the phenomenon of educated unemployment in Kerala. Secondary data were used for the study.