Use of Social Media Platforms for Educational Purposes Among the Faculty of Higher Education

Mr. Ganesh Thite, Dr. Umesh Patwardhan, Mr. Yogesh Desale
Page No. : 660-669


People across the world use social media platforms, and their popularity has grown in recent years. The current study intends to look at how faculty members in higher education institutions use social media platforms for instructional reasons. This research has employed a qualitative technique for the research, with data gathered through semi-structured interviews from various higher education institutions. According to the findings, faculty members employ popular networking sites for a variety of academic goals, including student engagement, communication, resource sharing, and professional development. Yet, some faculty members experience difficulties in using social media platforms due to worries about privacy, a lack of institutional support, and time restrictions. According to the report, higher education institutions should give more assistance and training to faculty members to enable them to properly use social networking websites. The sample size of the study was 191 respondents. The data analysis was performed with the help of t-test and mean.