Harmonizing Work-Life, Sustainable Development in Organization with Examinations of Green HRM Practices in Indian Higher Education Institutions
Yachana Sharma, Dr. Krishanveer Singh
Page No. : 773-792
This non numerical research strived to determine whether sustainable development and environmentally sustainable HRM at workplace may support intellectual’s Work life balance in Indian tertiary educational establishments or not. Numerous cramming have been done in the world, but the academics sector in India lacks ground work on work life balance, sustainable development, and environmentally sustainable HRM. This study helps to determine whether and how sustainable development and environmentally sustainable HRM practices can help or hinder work life balance in Indian tertiary educational establishments. Another objective is to scrutinize the assumptions of work life balance, sustainable development, and environmentally sustainable HRM among pedagogical in India.
The findings theoretically expand the strategy for balancing work and life, which plays a significant part in developing sustainably by incorporating sustainable development and feasible climate via environmentally sustainable human resource management. In a way, the Work life integration agenda will be supported by the practices of sustainable development, which also include improving the social dynamics i.e. social value system, social coherence, social betrothal, promoting social justice i.e. equality in personage rights and ingress to social armature, social prosperity, and society burgeoning.People can adopt these behaviors to enhance both their professional and personal life while also advancing environmental sustainability. This makes it possible for a thorough method of "blending" work and personal commitments adopting these sustainable strategies for the social and environmental agenda.
In terms of application, it provides facts to comprehend the inceptions and realities of WLB, sustainable development, and GHRM in Indian context. It promotes the need for organizations to broaden their support by putting these concepts in place efficiently. In particular, offering equal access to flexible Work schedules and family-friendly solutions could aid in boosting fecundity at Work and improving productivity of general wellbeing. By putting socially conscious policies and procedures into reality that deal with social problems, limit the risks of human rights breaches, and provide access to social infrastructure, sustainable development can be furthered. Similarly, encouraging environmentally sustainable HRM should be a strategy for raising employee knowledge, strengthening environmental friendly behaviors, and ensuring environmental sustainability, particularly in India.