An Assessment of Competency Mapping Practices Adopted for Faculty in Technical Institutions in Chhattisgarh: A Bibliometric Study

Garima Mishra, Dr. Imran Nadeem Siddiqui, Dr. Gazala Yasmin Ashraf
Page No. : 410-427


Competency building determines the extent to which the various competencies related to a job are possessed by an employee. Competency mapping envisages the development and sustainability of competency, based on the changing organizational requirements. This bibliometric research paper examines the competency mapping practices adopted by faculty in technical institutions, focusing on a study conducted in Chhattisgarh. The study aims to assess the effectiveness of competency building in enhancing individual performance and organizational growth, explore various models of competence building, delineate necessary activities in competence building, analyze methods for changing organizational approaches to competency building, and understand individual approaches to competence building.