An Empirical Study on Implications of Globalization on Domestic Safety

Waseem Ahmed
Page No. : 55-78


Today, the idea of national security refers to a much broader and more all-encompassing concept that, in addition to military security, takes into account all aspects affecting human security and gives inclusive consideration to all elements of national power held by a nation state. This is in contrast to the concept of national security that was prevalent in the past. In a similar vein, interconnectedness, progressive integration, and the homogenization of the world are all characteristics of globalisation. The idea that events that take place in one region of the globe would have a considerable influence on other regions and the world as a whole has been captured by the concept of globalisation, which has gained a profound power in this century. This research study will investigate numerous aspects of the concept of globalisation, as well as its connections and the effects it has on national security.