Reviewing Built Environment-Linked Sensing Approaches for Enhanced Asset Management Cost Efficiency
Liu Yuanyuan, Salman Faris, Syaifuddin, Fahmi Fadhl Al-Hosaini
Page No. : 1-25
This review paper explores the use of built environment-linked sensing approaches to enhance asset management cost efficiency. The review encompasses a comprehensive assessment of the relevant literature and methodologies used. Sensing technologies, including IoT sensors, RFID, and GPS, have been increasingly adopted to improve asset management processes. Results from the review demonstrate that these technologies play a vital role in optimizing asset management, leading to substantial cost reduction and resource optimization. However, several challenges, such as data security and initial setup costs, need to be addressed for effective implementation. The paper also emphasizes the significance of integrating these technologies into existing asset management systems and achieving interoperability for efficient data sharing. By analyzing the reviewed literature, this paper identifies trends, gaps, and potential areas for further research. The findings underscore the growing importance of sensing technologies in asset management and their potential to transform cost-efficiency strategies in various industries.